Pages tagged "statement"
Local 768 supports CUCS workers union
Dear Center for Urban Community Services Board of Trustees and Acting CEO Dr. Van Yu:
We, Local 768/New York City Health Services Employees of District Council 37, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, are writing to voice our strong support for the Center for Urban Community Services Workers’ Union as they negotiate their first union contract.
Our Local represents nearly 4,000 civil servants in NYC working in 50 different title groups across NYC Health & Hospitals, DOHMH, and other governmental agencies. Similarly, the CUCS workers’ union includes case managers, social workers, peer specialists, housing consultants, office managers, and administrative assistants-all of whom work on the front lines of housing and homeless services in NYC. Local 768 recognizes that the continuity of quality care and services that is provided to many of the same marginalized populations that we both serve is predicated on the ability of its workforce to have a strong voice on the job that allows these workers to advocate for themselves and their clients. However, it is only through collective bargaining and the securing of a fair contract that this can be accomplished.
CUCS prides itself on “helping people rise from poverty, exit homelessness, and be healthy.” However, some of the union’s members are one missed paycheck away from homelessness themselves. It is unacceptable that many full time employees of a prominent and respected social service agency still rely on welfare benefits to get by. CUCS Workers cannot care for New York City’s most vulnerable residents when their basic needs are not being met. Workers sometimes have to choose between going to the doctor and paying rent. They must be paid a living wage to support their clients.
We stand in solidarity with the workers at CUCS and support any actions they take to demand a fair contract. We urge you to negotiate a fair contract in good faith with the workers and compensate them for the essential services they provide to the greater New York City community.
Local 768 / DC 37
Read moreLocal 768 says Protect 12-126!
Oppose Intro # 874 to Protect 12-126
Read moreLocal 768 Executive Board opposes Intro # 874* due to its potential to divide the city workforce and the city’s municipal labor movement through the creation of different medical benefit classes of employees, retirees and their dependents. We believe that maintaining the strong foundation of benefits established by Administrative Code 12-126 in its current form affords us a better bargaining position and a more secure healthcare future for all city workers.
*Intro 874: “A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to health insurance coverage for city employees, city retirees, and their dependents”
In Solidarity,
Local 768 Leadership