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Health Services Bargaining Unit

RSVP for this meeting if your title is listed here:

Title Groupings
Public Health Advisors
Public Health Sanitarians
Respiratory Therapists
Medical Record Specialists
Dental Assistants and Hygienists
Licensed Creative Arts Therapists
Health Care Program Planner or Analyst
Public Health Assistants
Physician Assistants
Physical & Occupational Therapists & Assistants
Medicolegal Investigator (OCME)
Rehabilitation Counselors
Utilization Review Analysts & Coordinators
Audiologists, Speech Pathologists & Clinicians
Environmental Health Technicians


  1. Reviewing DC37's Unit Bargaining process
  2. Reviewing Local 768's Unit Bargaining plans
  3. Discussion of proposals
  4. Next steps
    1. Bargaining survey
    2. Campaign planning


Didn't we just settle our contract?

On March 31st, DC37 members voted to ratify a new Economic Agreement, which is a sort of addendum to our other Citywide and Unit contracts, focusing on the broad outlines of the rules we will live under until Nov 6, 2026. However, after each Economic Agreement is ratified, DC37 moves on to begin renegotiating our Unit Contracts, which cover longevity and assignment differentials and rules regarding working conditions for designated groups of workers called “bargaining units”.

That process will start soon, and we want Local 768 to be well prepared. To do that, we need to develop our goals together. This meeting will begin the process of soliciting members' ideas on ways to change our Unit Contracts to better meet our needs, both in ways that change our compensation ('economic' issues) and other ways that change the rules our employers must follow ('non-economic' issues).

Review our prep-document:

Local 768: Structure and context - This document reviews through the basic composition of our Local membership, the types of contracts we are covered under, and the processes for negotiating them.


August 15, 2023
7pm - 9pm

Will you come?

or Text HEALTHAUG15 to +19294416178 to RSVP