Local 768 invites you to a meet and greet event with NYS Assemblywoman Phara Souffrant Forrest, representing the 57th district in Brooklyn.
Our Local proudly endorses Assemblywoman Forrest in her re-election on June 28.
As a union nurse, tenant organizer, and new mom, Phara recognizes - like all good unionists - that the only way to counter organized money is with organized people. She has demonstrated in her first term what that looks like by shaking up the corrupt status quo in Albany, taxing the rich to fund social services, and fighting for dignity for working people.
At the event, members will hear about what is going on in Albany and what the Assemblywoman plans to accomplish in a second term. Members will have the opportunity to share issues that are important to them and their community, and learn about ways to get more involved.
Local 768 joins the NYS AFL-CIO, healthcare workers 1199SEIU, National Association of Social Workers (NASW-NYC) and many other unions and grassroots organizations to continue the fight for her district on election day June 28. Members can learn more about her campaign at pharaforassembly.com.
Thank you,
Carmen De León,
President Local 768, DC37