Our Member Action Team structure includes both Shop Stewards and 'MAT Leaders' who have not yet completed the Steward training. Any member can be a MAT Leader, just by volunteering, and we are proud to be offering a Local 768 Shop Steward Retreat, where any attendee can earn recognition as a Shop Steward for Local 768. This retreat will be Mon, Feb 6 - Wed Feb 8, 2023, and you can register here.
The curriculum of the retreat will largely cover material from DC37's Advanced Shop Steward course, but in a condensed manner over 3 days. In order to prepare for that content, our instructor (Steve Sykes, from DC37's Legal Department) has asked that anyone attending the retreat who has not yet completed the DC37 General Shop Steward's course to attend two prep workshops:
For all MAT Leaders (anyone who has not yet taken the DC37 General Steward course), attending these two prep sessions is required to earn the Local 768 Shop Steward Badge.