On Nov 30th, Local 768 members heard the results of the 2023 Local leadership election.
The following Officers, Delegates, and Trustees were elected:
- President: Carmen De Leon
- Executive Vice President: Charlton Smith
- 1st Vice President: Ryan McGuire
- Recording Secretary: Emily Iwamoto
- Treasurer: Louis Moskowitz
- Sergeant at arms: Daniel Bellevue
Delegates to DC 37 (8)
- Martha Larson
- Haley Shaffer
- Margaret Dunn-Carver
- Eric Luchs
- Louis Moskowitz
- Andrewsy Emmanuel
- Charlton Smith
- Shellyanne Mitchell
Delegates to Central Labor Council (3)
- Lisa Blackett
- Jeanette Hechavarria
- Haley Shaffer
- 1st year - Lisa Blackett
- 2nd year - Carlotta Doby
- 3rd year - Jeanette Hechavarria
As required by our constitution, those elected above were immediately sworn into office, and are now the official leadership team of Local 768, DC37.
Since no candidate won majority support in the first round for the following positions, there will be a runoff election for these positions only:
- 2nd Vice President
- Executive Board (3 positions)